sreda, 22. maj 2013

7. Federmeister turns on himself

After twenty four years of active drumming and sixteen years of leading The Stroj collective the time comes to do something strictly by myself. Past three years I was driven by idea to build a gear which will allow me to create music completely independant and against all odds.  I've started with a board, typewriter and some springs and mechanical toys to made my first soundboard named Efektor. It was a great fun at the beginning and I explored sound possibilities of my table orchestra like a small kid with big plans.

It sounded great at first, but when I connected it to the stronger PA first problems had begun. Feedbacks and crosstalk problems took me another year to find out proper pick up places, good preamps and audio interface capable of recording and sounding on professional level. When I managed to overcome problems with amplification I've connected Efektor with computer and midi controllers, which allow me to manipulate mechanical sounds with electronic effects, live looping, adding pre recorded parts and controlling a computer with my feet while performing. 

Finaly, as a drummer and rhythmanalyst, I could not resist to add my coil drums to the sonic arsenal of my own. 

Through this process and following the motto »Let's make something out of what they made of you!« Federmeister was born. Past six months he's rehersing hard and composing songs which I could not imagine before I've become him.

Federmeister is turned on and ready to go. Sound bless you, Federmeister! And keep the beat on the sonic highway of your becoming...

Do not hesitate to contact me if you want to experience how my retrofuturistic  metamechanical gear sounds live when Federmeister  takes over controls. Live acts, custom made performances, workshops, lectures, composing, cymatic visualizations... Name it, we make it!

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